Friday, January 21, 2011

The spaces we design profoundly effect peoples lives.

I recently received a testimonial from a client that really brings home the fact that what I do has a very personal impact on those I serve. Designing spaces where people live is as important as any other discipline in life.

Here the testimonial:

" What I think of with CGreen is the emotional connection with me and my feelings about my home, my environment, my place to reflect myself, to host others and to nest with my family. Cgreen brings that to life with expertise and service that I see (Landscape & Stonework) and what I don't see but rely on (Irrigation & Drainage). An enjoyable experience that provides an extraordinary environment."

It is so exciting to here about our effect on the lives of our clients.
It is also very humbling.

I sincerely hope and believe that it is my duty to add to the quality of life of each and every one of my clients.

I believe that I am not here to enrich myself, but to enrich the lives of others.

Not bragging, just sharing, which is what this blog is about.

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