Thursday, December 16, 2010

We may not see as much green in the winter, however root systems continue to grow. It is important to continue with your maintenance program through out the winter months.
Winter is also an excellant time to plant new woody ornamental shrubs and trees. These plants will begin to establish themselves, even before spring, and be ready to take on the summer heat.
Winter is the best time of year to prune trees. Crepe Myrtles should be pruned judiciously. Please do not commit Crepe Murder by over pruning. Just clean out the smaller stems from the trunks and remove unwanted shoots sprouting from the ground.
Everybody knows you can still have color in your landscape in the winter. In sunny areas plant Pansies, Viola, Snapdragons and Kale.
In shady areas think about Cyclamen and even consider Camillias for evergreen color.

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